Friday, November 27, 2009


The Shunga dynasty rose on the ruins of the Mauryan
. The railings of the Sanchi stupa were built in the period
of the Shungas.
. Gathasaptasati is a work attributed to the Satavahana
ruler, Hala.
. The Indo-Greeks were the first rulers in India to issue
coins that can definitely be attributed to kings.
. Milinda-Panho records a discussion between Menander
and Nagasena in the language of P~li.
. The Greeks introduced in India the practice of using
curtains at theatrical performances.
. The Vikram Samvat is in commemoration of a victory
over the Shakas.
. The Junagarh Rock inscription in Sanskrit is attributed
to Rudradaman I.
. The Shunga dynasty was founded by Pushyamitra
Shunga after killing the last Mauryan ruler Brihadratha
in about 185 Be.
. Vasumitra, the grandson of Pushyamitra Shunga, re­
pulsed a major Greek attack by Demetrius.
. Pushyamitra is said to have performed two Ashvamedha
. Vasudeva Kanva murdered his master Devabhuti-the
last ruler of the Shunga dynasty-and founded the
Kanva dynasty.
. Kharavela, the Cheti ruler in Orissa, constructed caves
in the Udaigiri for Jain monks.
. The Satavahana dynasty in the Deccan was founded by
. Gautamiputra Satakarni, the famous Satavahana ruler, defeated the Shaka king, Nahapana, in AD 124-125. . The Satavahana issued coins of lead, potin, copper and
. The Satavahana society was divided into four classes: (i) mahabhojas, maharathis and mahasenapatis; (ii) officials like amatyas, mahamatras, bhandagarikas; (ill) vaidya, lakhaka, suvamakara, etc.; and (iv) malakara, vardhaki, dasaka, etc.
. Under the Satavahanas, gaulmikas were the heads of
administration in rural areas.
. The official language of the Satavahanas was Prakrit in
Brahmi script.
. Most of the coins issued by the Indo-Greek rulers in India bear legends in Greek on one side and in Prakrit on the other. These rulers were the first to issue gold coins in India.
. Heliodorus, who erected the Besnagar column in honour of the Vaishnavite deity Vasudeva, was the ambassador of Greek ruler Antialkidas at the court of a Shunga leader.
. Manu describes the Yavanas or Greeks as degenerate


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    1. Right 👉 talk about the these periods saurabh
